In a world inhabited by creatures from Earth’s mythical past, the realm of Gateskeep faces a rising army led by the son of a great sorcerer, exiled to Earth as a child, who has regained his father’s throne by combining modern knowledge with his gift for magic.
A young Gateskeep sorcerer, traveling to Earth in a quest to better understand their new enemy, stumbles across an unlikely prospect for a hero: Jarrod Torrealday, a former Olympic saber hopeful banned from competition for killing another fencer in a duel. Despondent, volatile, alcoholic, yet still one of the greatest swordsmen alive, Jarrod now works for third-rate fantasy films as a technical consultant and stuntman. He accepts appointment to an elite unit in the service of the king of Gateskeep, and with it, a shot at both knighthood and personal redemption.
Swept into a treacherous and deadly world of intrigue and conspiracy, Jarrod learns that the enemy sorcerer has laid the foundations for a war that Gateskeep and its allies stand no chance of surviving. He takes matters into his own hands, embarking on a desperate mission to stop the brewing war before it destroys the realm he swore to defend. First, though, Jarrod must square off against his fiercest demons, for he knows that in order to save those he has come to love, he must bring himself to kill again.
Readers are calling Dragon’s Trail, the first in the series, “Convincing,” “Masterful,” and “Cerebral hard fantasy.” Dragon’s Trail is written for mature audiences, and contains adult language and graphic depictions of violence.
Dragon’s Trail (E-book Edition)
I didn't come here to sell my soul. I came here to buy it back."
A disgraced Olympic fencer and professional weapons expert takes a new job– as a hired hero for a desperate sorcerer from another world.
More info →Dragon’s Trail (Print Editions)
This fantasy technothriller became a #1 bestselling e-book at all major online stores, and now available in hardcover along with a new and improved paperback edition
Copies ordered directly from the publisher will be signed by the author!
More info →Dragon’s Trail (Audiobook)
A disgraced Olympic fencer and professional weapons expert takes a new job– as a hired hero for a desperate sorcerer from another world.
Narrated by Troy Duran
More info →The New Magic (Print Editions)
IN THE WHITE-KNUCKLE SEQUEL to the international bestseller DRAGON’S TRAIL, vivid swordplay meets intrigue and espionage. A sorceress wielding a magic forbidden since the dawn of history finds herself a champion in a demon from Jarrod Torrealday’s tortured past . . . leading to a desperate showdown of profane magic versus modern steel.
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