by Joseph Malik | Feb 16, 2021 | General, Writing Craft
The same caveat applies here as applied to Part 1: This is what has worked for me. Take it or leave it. Disclaimer: This is a much longer post than the last one. What follows could be the bullet points of an introductory class on elementary literary theory for the...
by Joseph Malik | Feb 16, 2021 | Dragon's Trail, General, Worldbuilding
Part One: What It Is and What It Ain’t Disclaimer: There is no “correct” way to write a novel. I keep getting asked, “How did you sell so many books?” The Short and Scrappy Guide to Novel Writing reflects what has worked for me. I’ve been asked...
by Joseph Malik | Nov 9, 2020 | Dragon's Trail, General, In The Press, The New Magic
Well, it’s been nine months. I’d say that a lot has happened, but that’s kind of an understatement. COVID hit Washington State early, in late February, right after RadCon. The Army wasted no time in designating me “Essential Personnel”...
by Joseph Malik | Feb 2, 2020 | General
Radcon this year is my busiest schedule at any con I’ve done, yet. As you can see below, several of these panels are geared toward me in particular, and several more are geared toward my particular areas of expertise as an author, adventurer, martial artist,...
by Joseph Malik | Jan 14, 2020 | General, The New Magic, Worldbuilding
So, something fun. We took a week and did a retreat to the desert. Well, not so much a retreat as a frontal assault, but the point is, we left the rainy Northwest and ended up in the desert. Some of you may remember that the desert and I don’t get along so well. I’m...