Radcon this year is my busiest schedule at any con I’ve done, yet.
As you can see below, several of these panels are geared toward me in particular, and several more are geared toward my particular areas of expertise as an author, adventurer, martial artist, linguist, and swordsman. I’ll even be teaching a class on using celestial navigation on an alien planet on Saturday night at 7 PM.
I’ve broken my schedule down day by day, below.
Radcon is held at the Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, WA on Valentine’s Day weekend.
More information is available at www.radcon.org.
Featured speaker: Chiawana High School, 12-1 pm.
“30-Day Cliff, My A**”: Indie Authors and Timelines
Format: Panel
14 Feb 2020, Friday 14:00 – 15:00, 3125- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Joseph Malik has become an internationally bestselling independent fantasy author with a 2-year release cycle. Learn how he and other indie authors have cracked the code and beaten the dreaded “30-Day Cliff.”
Firearms in Fiction and Gaming
Format: Panel
14 Feb 2020, Friday 15:15 – 16:15, 3121- Gaming/Fan Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Many writers and game designers have only an academic knowledge of modern weapons, much of it drawn from movies and TV, which is either wrong or impractical. Come listen to our panel of veterans, police, and other experts dispel some of the myths that continue in fiction. This is not intended to be a political panel so please check those agendas at the door.
The Writer/Agent Relationship
Format: Panel
14 Feb 2020, Friday 16:30 – 17:30, 3127- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
You hear it from everyone—finding representation is the key to opening doors. So what should you be looking for in an agent, and what can you expect from that relationship once you’ve found one? Join panelists for an in-depth exploration of the writer/agent relationship and how to make the most of this working partnership.
Arms and Armor Through History
Format: Panel
14 Feb 2020, Friday 17:45 – 18:45, 3123- Science/History Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Arms and Armor through history–a hands on panel. As the theme of this con is the 1920s, let’s talk about the armor and weapons that came out after WW1!
Fighting in Fiction
Format: Panel
14 Feb 2020, Friday 20:15 – 21:15, 3125- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Have you ever read a book with a person driving a car from the back seat or perhaps boiling water by putting the pot in a refrigerator? Mistakes of this caliber often go unnoticed in fight scenes due to lack of understanding. This panel will be an impromptu question and answer session with live demonstration of techniques to discuss concepts such as fighting ranges, the physiology behind why people lose consciousness how a smaller fighter can ACTUALLY best a bigger fighter, and so on.
The Psychology of Dueling
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 09:00 – 10:00, 3123- Science/History Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Fighting as a spectator sport dates back to at least 700 BC and has been popular somewhere in Europe ever since. In some places and eras it was the only way to enforce consequences on criminals or other miscreants and hooligans. Elite fighters have things in common, they fight as much with their mind as weapons or bodies. How can thoughts change an outcome for the winner? These and other questions will be explored.
Conlanging 101: Fantasy Languages
Format: Panel
Belter, Dothraki, Klingon, Elvish. Learn about the creation and employment of fantasy and science fiction languages. Talk to authors who have created their own languages and integrated them into their work.
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 10:15 – 11:15, 3127- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
12 PM-1:30 PM
Author note: If you have in-depth questions that will take longer than the ten or so allotted minutes between panels, this will probably be your best chance to ask me, short of catching me at Ten Forward after the con each night.

I’m Liberal and I Own Guns
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 14:00 – 15:00, 3119- Art/Media/Wildcard (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Come Ask Me Why. Not a 2nd amendment debate. Just a chance for you to understand why some Liberals own guns.
Author note: Yes, I’m a liberal, and no, I don’t particularly like guns, and yet I spent much of my career in SOCOM and I shoot Expert in rifle and pistol. I can put a 5.56 round up a butterfly’s ass at a hundred yards.
The silhouette below, at 25 meters, is the size of a human torso at 300 meters, or roughly the size of a lowercase letter i in 12-point type. What you see here is the first 3 rounds out of the case (i.e., first shot = cold-bore), iron sights, off a bag in the prone at 25m with a .22 rifle and match-grade ammo. For perspective, three rounds anywhere within the ring off a bag with iron sights is the Army standard. I dislike guns but even God can’t help you if you’re on the business end of mine. A lot of dichotomies to unpack, here.

Deep Dive on Worldbuilding and Magic
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 16:30 – 17:30, 3125- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Ever wonder how magic systems in fantasy are created? In this panel, we’ll discuss tips and tricks to create your own magic system using historical occult sources and folklore as inspiration
Research Rabbit Holes
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 17:45 – 18:45, 3125- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Writers talk about the odd things they have researched for their work, and the odd and unexpected rabbit holes that research has led them down.
Lost in Space: Celestial Navigation on an Alien Planet
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 19:00 – 20:00, 3123- Science/History Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Fantasy author and former Special Operations soldier Joseph Malik draws from U.S. Special Operations textbooks and his own training with the French Foreign Legion to show you how to find your way if you’re ever lost on an alien (or fantasy) world.
Veterans and Speculative Fiction: a support group
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 20:15 – 21:15, 3125- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Facts About Horses for Fantasy Authors
Format: Panel
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 09:00 – 10:00, 3125- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Horses are amazing animals that have been bred to fill a variety of transportation needs over the millennia. They have a range capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. They have good days, bad days, and get sick. Join us for insights into the reality of horses.
Crossing genres successfully
Format: Panel
What does it take to combine genres in SFF? What genres cross into (and out of) Science Fiction and Fantasy?
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 10:15 – 11:15, 3127- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Editing: Who, Why, and How Much?
Format: Panel
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 11:30 – 12:30, 3125- Writing Track (Red Lion Hotel Pasco, WA)
Authors have access to different kinds of editors. What’s the difference between a developmental, line, and copy editor? How is a proofreader different from a copy editor? When are software applications (Grammarly, Word, etc.) enough? When aren’t they?
Jedi level shooting. I could see you living in the Himalayas and ****ers climbing your mountain to ask you teach them to ‘be the blade sight’ or some shit. (Also, it’s frightening to think how you’d shoot if you *liked* firearms.) Still not convinced you aren’t secretly Delta or whatever it’s called now. You know a scary amount about killing for an “intel” bookworm lol.
What rifle/ammo? Can I ask?
Love your books. You said the next one is modern military in Gateskeep? So like Stargate? Is that where this is going? Hope so!
-Mike in VA
Thank you. Answers inline.
I’m not Delta. Pinkie swearsies. I find shooting groups meditative and calming, in no small part because of the emphasis on your breath cycle.
My target rifle is a Remington 597 HB with a Volquartsen target hammer and a 4-lb. trigger job. I shot that particular group with CCI Green Tab 40-gr. match ammo.
As for the next series, you’re correct. It’s about a modern-day Special Operations unit that discovers a portal to the world where the first series happens. This first draft is turning out sort of like an epic-fantasy Shogun with a Janissaries kind of military sci-fi theme. It has some horror elements, as well, so it’s going to be much grittier than Stargate; if it were a movie, the vibe would be Stargate meets Aliens. It features a Native American MC who’s a combat amputee, and draws heavily on my experiences working in quiet, weird little corners of the Special Operations community.